Friday, September 2, 2016

Taco Trucks on Every Corner

Not sure if this is a new campaign slogan, like a chicken in every pot, but assuming the taco trucks are run by Meicans is would seem like we shoud keep some around.

I like Tacos and generally speaking the people I know of Mexican heritage are nice people too.  Of course like any nationality, being people, some of them turn to crime and do bad things.  I'm not familiar enough with gangs to know which gangs are exclusive to any specific nationality but I would probably want to avoid gang bangers of any nationality most of the time.

I also would like to point out that the Obama administration has taken a lot of heat because of all the deportations it has performed.


So this rheoric about all the immigrants being let in is pretty much just that.

I can't decide if he dislikes the Mexicans or the Syrians more.  Of course the Syrians should remind him to some extent of the Hungarian refugees we let in back when he was a child.  This country has a long history of providing refuge to refugees.  The cases where we acted like Trump wants us to are really a black mark on our history


They weren't and despite Mr Trumps extensive research the Syrian refugees fleeing the horrors of that war aren't generally terrorists.  Are a few of them?  Maybe, but once again they already go through an extensive vetting process.

We have enough issues with our home grown criminals and terrorists that we really don't need to demonize others.

The bigest potential problem facing this country now is the possibility we will put a clown in the White House just to get some Taco Trucks.

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