Saturday, September 3, 2016

Where's the Middle

Most American as I have stated  previously actually share most of the same values.  We generally want everyone to be treated fairly and given equal opportunity.

Even considering the role of Government, when you poll people about the things Government actually does, they tend to be pretty supportive of it.  Note that every Government program is passed and funded by a congress and signed by the President.  While some of the programs may be legacies from an earlier period, if they really were as bad as some commentors claim, they would have been investigated and defunded.  Even the Aforable Care Act, as often as its attacked, has provisions that most Americans support and want to keep.

Of course the most noise is made by those on the right and the left, about doing too little or doing too much, and that is good political discourse.  However, the debates have taken on a decidedly nasty character where character assasination and outright falsehoods have replaced actually debate.

This sort of tactic has a certain impact where disgruntled people buy into a platform built on lies and we see how the primaries are so vulnerable because of the low voter turnout in general.  It was almost the case that this year we had someone from the far right running against someone from the far left in our election.

That didn't happen and no matter how much the right wants to paint the Democratic candidate as an extreme leftist, her policies clearly don't support such allegations.  Of course they have turned to personal attacks but that's normal for them.

It is clear that in a general election, the number of people voting is much greater and the extreme candidates can't prevail.  Our elected representatives should reflect the will of all the people, so everyone needs to get out and vote.

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