Sunday, September 18, 2016

Pulling Together

I may be wrong but we seem as a country to be more divided than ever before, except the civil war.  Oddly we don't actually have a lot of disagreements with each other, we argue over shared values.

We argue over the right way to show patriotism.

We argue over the way to protest.

We argue over how to achieve good policing.

We argue over how to combat terrorism.

We argue over how to control immigration.

We argue over how to provide more jobs.

We argue over how to provide medical care.

We argue over what constitutes good government.

It would seem that if the goal is to provide the best health care to the most people we could discuss the varying strategies and come to a consensus.  But there like everything else it seems, we decided its not something we can compromise over and call the other side names.

When did everybody become so convinced they were experts on these things?

It just seems that both in congress, the media and the public we all have decided to hate half our fellow citizens for not seeing the light.

I don't know how this can get better, but I sure do miss being able to actually discuss things to come to a shared solution.

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