Thursday, September 29, 2016

Debate Issues

There are things that can be criticized about Hillary Clinton, as there most likely are about anyone.  However, blaming her for Benghazi when she was Secretary of State is only valid if you blame the Secretary of Defense for the death of every soldier.  Its a really ludicrous thing.

Similarly, the use of a private server caused no real issues to anyone.  Had she used two blackberries, we would have had no access to any of those 30,000 private e-mails anyways.  Its all smoke and mirrors because there are no real issues to bring up.  Even if you believe she potentially jeopardized security, there's no evidence that the risk materialized.

Now the rest of the allegations are generally ludicrous and not worth even discussing.

Now we live in an age where baseless rumors can be spread by certain networks and social media.  The ease of spreading false stories creates a certain sense among many people that if there'es so much smoke there must be some fire.

Its also clear that this puts a heavier responsibility on the average voter to seek out the truth.

Now in the recent debate a lot of Trump supporters thought he should have pressed the two issues above.  Maybe he was reticent but maybe he was actually smart enough to know they get more traction in forums where they can't be easily rebutted.

Were he to press them he would have had to explain what Hillary did wrong, which is not a good position for him.  Simply saying at rallies that she should go to jail for it is more his style than having to defend a position.

Now, the trouble is he has supporters who actually think there is meat on those bones.  Well there isn't and he knows it, and he doesn't want them to find out.

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