Friday, September 23, 2016

How do we stop the killing?

Police officers have to deal with dangerous situations all the time and at times have to make split second decisions.

But sometimes, and more so in instance where black citizens are involved, the incident seems to stem from police making a situation worse than it needed to be.

An example, a black man is sitting in his car waiting for a bus to drop off someone.  The police, in plainsclothes is looking for a burgler and see him there.  Now I don't have the full details, but he emerged from the car carrying either a book or a gun and ended up dead.

I realize that an investigation was ongoing but being upset because you got distrurbed for what would seem like no good reason should not result in your being dead.

Similarly, having your car break down is also not something that should result in getting shot.

Now, I'll even accept that the two victims might not have fully cooperated with the police and one of them may even have had a gun.  But how does it get there?

Neither had committed a crime, at least not a crime the police were aware of, and they ended up dead.

It happens all too frequently and it happens to young black men the most.

it has to stop and maybe the police need more training.  Mabe preserving people's lives should be the highest priority.

I don't want them to put themselves in danger, but maybe they don't need to be in a rush to end these incidents while protecting themselves.

I just know that something has to change.

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