Thursday, September 15, 2016

Just Thursday

Gas is cheap, mortgage rates are near record lows, the unemployment rate is very low, household income is up.  More attempts to rig the election!

A lot of people hold our founding fathers in a sort of reverence.  If you look at them closely they were just a bunch of politicians mostly.

The fact that we speak English in America mostly is just an historical consequence of the imperialistic British Empire,

Speaking about rigging elections, look at how congressional districts get configured in most states.

We sometimes act like our major political parties are arms of the Government, they're not.

There are stupid questions and wasted votes.

The more people think that nothing ever changes, the more likely they are to be correct.

The one good thing about presidential elections is that they give the economy a boost every four years with all the money they spend.

Most people really don't have a clue about how big the federal budget is and where the money goes.

Eliminating all the salaries and perks paid to Senators and Congressmen would be barely noticeable.

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