Friday, September 16, 2016


I guess Friday still represents the end of the workweek for a lot of people although its certainly not as high a percentage as it once was.  Thats neither good nor bad just a change.

We all tend to look back fondly at events we experienced even if at the time the event was painful or disturbing.  Now I'm not talking about grief here, that is something that stays with us, but consider childbirth.  The fact that women have second babies is probably proof enough of what I'm saying.

You read a lot of things that talk about how overcoming difficulties forged better people.  Maybe it did, or maybe it didn't, you only know the path you took, not the ones you didn't take.

There are very successful people who never really faced any serious challenges.  Born into money sent to the best schools, gilded career path open to them.  Of course they will come up with things they had to overcome, a distant parent, or some other childhood event that forged their character.  However, compared to someone born to a crack addict prostitute they didn't have it so bad.

It this randomness that makes the need to help others a moral imperative.  There but for the grace of God go I is a common theme in religion.  Not sure God is the decider as much as luck. Recent studies show that the best perdictor of a persons future lifestyle is to look at the lifestyle of their parents.

Obviously the fact that its Friday is much more relevant to a business man than it is to a drug addict. The second's addiction doesn't care about weekends.

Some people are in fact able to raise their status and others lose theirs.  But the few exceptions are just that, exceptions.

If you're fortunate enough to have the weekend off, enjoy it.

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