Monday, September 12, 2016

Random Thoughts

Football season and the baseball pennant races are driving out some of the hateful political posts.  

Don't assume anyone else believes the same way you do, we are all different.

Terrorists don't represent Islam anymore than deranged shooters represent gun owners.

Everybody should take some deep breaths and appreciate being alive.

We need to make the world a better place while we are here.

Hate is distrucive and eats at us from the inside if we let it.

Every person has the same right to be here as you do.  You have he same right as they do.  Accept that.

Government is supposed to serve the common good, not special interests.

Term limits take away people's right to choose who they want, even if you don't like the winners.

Best weapon we have is to get out and vote.

Second best weapon is getting others to vote.

If most of the country supports something you don't agree with, that's called democracy.

If you only support some of the freedoms in the constitution, you don't support any.

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