Monday, September 26, 2016


There is a theme about how immigrants come to this country to lie around and collect benefits.  This is something that has been pushed by certain media outlets who have specific agendas

Now, first, most countries where immigrants come from have better social programs than the United States does, health care, pensions, etc.  Many Americans live in some delusional state concerning that until the have a serious medical condition and face the bills and deductibles of the American health system.  BTW, this isn't because of the Affordable Care Act, it predates it and was incorporated into it to promote private health care.

In addition pension benefits, child care, unemployment, educaton, around the world are often as good or better than what we offer here.

I'll provide some links about this, but information is widely available on the web from reputable sources.

Now the one thing America is is a place where business is able to make huge profits.

Many businesses complain about regulations and taxes but the environment in this country has always been among the friendliest.

So why do immigrants come here?

For the same reason they always have, to make money or escape opprssion.

This goes back to our earliest settlers.

The idea that some have that an immigrant who makes it to this country is treated royally is simply delusional.

Yes, as in every group, some figure out how to play the system, or engage in criminal activity, so do our native born people.

But most work hard, try to improve themselves and raise a family.

Illegals have the constant fear of being found out and deported.

They come to pursue the American dream where they can work hard in relative safety, practice their religion freely and improve their economic status for themselves and more importantly to most for their children.

Same as alway.

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