Friday, September 9, 2016

Crimes and Allegations

A lot of people who should probably know better like to treat allegations as proof of guilt.  Take the planned parenthood video which was highly edited and really didn't show any crime (getting pai for expenses is legal).

Considering the state of anti-abortion fervor, if they had committed a crime they would certainly been prosecuted.  However I see many people act like they were found guilty of something when they never were and in fact were never even legally accoused.

Now I don't care how you feel about abortions, not what I'm talking about.  I'm talking about American values and the presumption of innocence which so many have sacrificed for political or moral reasons.

Now anyone can believe someone did something wrong.  I'm pretty convinced that OJ Simpson murdered two people, but legally he was acquitted.  So hes not guilty of that crime, no matter what I think.

Now the level of debate in this country has reached levels of animosity and hyperbole that might be unprecedented, although I gather some of our early elections were pretty hotly contested.

I realize that one tactic is to get the attention on issues that distract the American public from actual issues that the next president will have to deal with.

I would like to think that professional journalists would know better but I gather they don't, discussing irrelevant allegations instead of dealing with real issues.

Lets hope the American people are smarter that that and take a hard and honest look at the two candidates based on their experience, qualifications and yes honesty.

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