Sunday, September 11, 2016

New Landmark

On September 11, 2001 terrorists were able to destroy two New York landmarks.  Three of their four attacks reached their targets with the fourth being thwarted by the brave passengers on that flight.

I remember being told that a pane had hit the Trade Center and thinking some small plane pilot had made a tragic mistake until I got more information.  You could see the smoke from where I was and it turned out that a work friend of mine had been on one of the planes.

Others suffered much closer losses and whatever the terrorists hoped to accomplish that day they failed.

Yes we lost two landmarks, but as a nation we now have a more permanent landmark of courage and sacrifice that is part of our great history.

Men and women died trying to save others, ignoring the very real danger around them.

Remember those who fell, they are our countrymen and victims of terror.

But also remember the selfless bravery of the men and women who did everything they could to find survivors and help them survive.

Their courage and bravery is our new landmark that we can look at with pride and sadness.

Never Forget!

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