Saturday, October 1, 2016

Donald Trump is a liar

Don't think anyone, including Trump supporters are shocked by the headline.  He lies so much and so blattently that everyone knows it, except maybe him.

I recognise that he may be totally delusional and some of his lies could simply be hurried tweets sent out because he thought he saw something.

The problem is that if he is actually having thee hallucinations, then he is hardly qualified to be anything at all, let alone President.

He saw imaginary Moslims dancing after 9/11 in New Jersey.

He was against the Iraw war despite tellng Howard Stern he was for it, One of those statements has to be a lie.

Hes going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.

Hillary Clinton has been fighting ISIS for 30 years (they haven't existed that long).

His support among African American is spiking.

Hes gonna win New York and California.

The dishonest media is out to get him (by reporting what he does I guess).

Everybody thinks Rosie Odonnell deserves the trash talk Donald dished out (this everybody has to be his pet goldfish or something since it come out of his mouth so much).

America is in the worst shape ever.

There was no terroism before Obamma (well thats actually Giuliani)

All his business ventures were great (what about those bankruptcies?)

Trump University was great.

He has his real hair.

And this barely scrapes the surface.

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