Friday, October 21, 2016

Social Skills

One of the things that is a bit hard to define but easy to spot is if someone has good or bad social skills.

We all know people who seem to fit in where ever they are effortlessly.  The just seem to belong.

Of course there are those that don't seem to fit in.

They range from the awkwardly shy to the obnoxious bore.

Of course the really obnoxious ones are pretty easy to spot, being too loud and trying to dominate the gathering.

We frequently also notice the awkwardly shy ones too, although they are trying not to be noticed, as they find a place to be alone trying to disappear.

Of course we feel a lot of sympathy generally for the shy people, many of us have been there, done that.

Generally most of us want to fit in and be accepted.

However, certain people either because of being born into privilege, or a personality issue, think they are the center of the universe and that whatever they do is good.

Social norms are ignored, scenes are made, people are insulted, etc. etc.

Now of course rich and powerful people are catered too and how they react to that is probably the true measure.

A certain number of us, uncomfortable  ourselves, get a kick our of seeing this person make others uncomfortable too.

In this election we are seeing a great example of this and maybe its actually a good thing.

If the electons get too bland and uninteresting, we have too many that don't even show up.

If nothing else, more people are paying attention.

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