Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Yes he did

Last night we saw a vice presidential debate which was a bit like watching the under card at a boxing match.  They might throw some decent punches but its just not the main event.

However, the main takeaway I have is that Mike Pence kept saying that Donald Trump didn't say things he actually did say and Tim Kaine couldn't sit there and listen to the inaccuracies he was spewing.

Below is a link to the fact checking on the debate.

Now almost everything Kaine said that Trump said he did say, including deporting children of undocumented immigrants born in this country.

Of course what he says on any given day week or year can be different but that's one of the problems with someone so unpredictable and flippant.

However all the outrageous things that Mike Pence denied Trump said, were things he actually said.

Yes they are.

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