Friday, October 7, 2016

The Lies about Hillary

I went to Snopes and did a search for Clinton.  That resulted in 15 pages of items.  Now not all of them were about just Hillary, some were about Bill and even Chelsea, but they are so numerous and so outrageous in any cases that you don't think anyone could take them seriously.

But you would be wrong.

This is true despite the fact that she is one of the most scrutinized public figures alive.

So millions of Americns accept the fact that she has been involved in murder, espionage and other crimes and misdemeanors but gets away with it because:

  1. she's really good at it
  2. there's a vast media conspiracy to cover it up
  3. well you know, the liberals
  4. her husband was the President
In addition some things are just accepted.

The Clinton foundation, despite its very public disclosures and high scores from organizations that review charitable foundations is really just a money laundering gimmick that funnels most of the money right to the Clintons.

She compromised the security of this nation by using a home server, that doesn't appear to have been hacked, and maybe having a few snippets of low lever confidential information in a few e-mails sent and received by appropriate people.

Shes a terrible liar who can't be trusted (actually as far as liars go she is really bad at it, just look at Donald Trump).

She has an incurable maybe fatal disease that she is hiding from the public by using a body double.  In fact she may be the walrus.

She rigged the primaries and will rig the general election, Of course since they are all so convinced of this, not sure why they will bother to vote.

Shes mean and evil who criticizes her political opponents (oh my!)

And the worst thing of all, the really unforgiveable fault she has.........


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