Friday, October 14, 2016

Typical Bully

Bullying has been going on since the very beginning.  It serves a distinct purpose, allowing someone to intimidate others into submission without actually having to risk damage.

You see this in the primate world where giving enough size, one will attempt to intimidate the rest into compliance.

The art of bullying requires that the intimidated don't fight back.

Now not all bullies are are bad fighters, at least in the beginning.  They very often have to establish dominance by fighting in the beginning.  Its the memory of that which lends credence to the intimidation.

So not all bullies will back down if you stand up to them.  Many however get used to having little to no opposition.

After a while they come to expect it and when they do get opposed sometimes don't know how to react.

They often get outraged by the impudence of those that stand up to them.

They can't believe that they are being defied.

Now it is inevitable in the natural world that dominence get relinquished eventually.

In human society it isn't inevitable.

Some bullies stay that way forever because of wealth and power.

But when the bullying fails to work, they don't have any other strategy.

They get outraged but all they know is how to lash out even more.

Find something new to use to re-establish dominence.

We are seeing an example of this in the current election.

Its ike a performance art rendition of "The Last Hurrah"

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