Thursday, October 27, 2016

You are what you made yourself.

This election has highlighted how so many people have refused to take responsibility for their own lives.

America is based on working hard and getting ahead.  However, its never been guaranteed that doing those things would lead to success.  In fact, history points out that most of the time it just isn't enough.

The world and country we live in is constantly changing either due to technology or natural changes.  Does anyone think the victims of the dust bowl didn't work hard?  What about all the workers who suffered during the depression?

What those people realized was that they had to do what was needed to survive.

So now in an era where coal is being phased out, or manufacturing is being robotized or exported, we have Americans who want the Government to fix it.

The idea that someone is going to roll back progress and recreate some earlier period is wishful thinking.

There is some wonderful economic opportunities in this country and if you develop the right skills and go to the right place you can do quite well.  If you sit at home in a rundown house buying lottery tickets and drinking beer most of the time, you probably won't.

Taking responsibility for your life is the first step required.  Blaming others is not the way to American greatness.

Now, there are cases where chance or misfortune causes a crisis, but that has always been the case but thats not the problem with most of these folks, they bought into a dream of success that didn't require them to do much.

It has always been true that you get rewards based on what you invest.  Working hard is not enough, you have to prepare, develop skills and change, or you simply go extinct.

Its always been the same.

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