Monday, October 31, 2016

Scary Halloween

If you want to be scared for the holiday I recommend watching the movie on the link above.

Instead of a zombie apocolypse it shows the very real destruction of our wonderful home.

Now the people doing this are mostly doing it for profit and they very well may deny that it is harming the planet, but if you see the wasted coral reefs, the desolate tar sands, the lost rainforests, the melted ice and loss of habitat, it is clear that destruction is happening.

If an alien came here and did these things we would unite as a planet to stop him.

If yo think the impact of all this is not real, you are in denial.

Consider if you would the butterfly effect where every single thing has certain consequences.that if some cases are unpredictable.  However, how can you watch noxious gases being spewed into the air and think that is a good thing?

Every species lives in a certain ecological niche that favors them.  Humans have only existed for a blink of an eye in geological terms.  If we commit suicide as a species the earth will continue and adjust.

It doesn't need us.

We need it.

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