Monday, October 17, 2016

Climate Change

Climate changes, it has been happening since the earth was formed.

We have been ice covered, water covered, and the cold periods and warm periods are related to the oscillation in the orbit as well as other factors.

Now, one factor that predates man was the storage of vast amounts of carbon in in the earth as vegetation and animal life died and was buried.

This carbon took a number of forms, coal, oil, natural gas, but it was removed from the atmosphere and stored.

We learned how to utilize this source of energy and it powered the industrial revolution.

This is where we influence the natural changes in climate.

Now ultimately, we aren't introducing alien products into the atmosphere, the carbon was always here, and to some extent, if you ignore how it will impact humanity, the earth will be fine.

That's a long term view.

In the short term we are screwing the pooch.

Te increase in carbon is increasing the earth's temperature.

This is melting ice.

This is raising sea levels.

This will impact currents.

If you don't believe it, you are ignoring science and common sense.

It also increases air pollution that has other impacts on our existence.

This isn't about saving the whales, although that's a good idea, its about saving your fellow humans.

Its called self preservation, both now and in the future.

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