Thursday, October 6, 2016

Its Thursday

Only a month to go before we elect a new President, she's going to be great!

Trump says he can't lose because it would be a waste of time and money.  I agree, hes wasted enough of our time already.

I'm still waiting to find out what Trumps plans are.

Of all the military people Trump could have brought up at the debate he went with Douglas MacArthur.  He's the one who announced to the enemy that he would return not all that secretive.

Trump doesn't understand the difference between strategy and tactics obviously.

I've decided Mike Pence must have a hearing problem since he never heard Trump say all those things.

He should visit Trump tower to get that Mexican thing they serve there.

If Trump got elected somehow he would need a wall to keep people in the country.

There's a lot of people who think he says what he does to get votes and he would be different in office.  they said the same thing about Hitler.

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