Saturday, October 29, 2016


One of the biggest issues I encounter is how much misinformation is circulated and believed.

Now, Flip Wilson had a memorable line, "The Devil Made Me Do It" and it always got a chuckle.

But nowadays I see so much blamed on things like "The Government", "those Regulations", "the Economy", "Obamacare" which pretty clearly have nothing to do with any of those things that it has become pandemic.

If you have employer health insurance and your premiums go up or your deductible gets higher, its because your employer is reducing cost, not because the Government or Obamacare made it happen.

If you lose your job, it may have something to do with the economy, but since the economy is doing pretty good, its more likely either because of your performance or your company deciding to move or automate your job.

Yes there are regulations and some regulations impact people, but they are given a lot more credit or blame then they deserve.

This actually goes on and on and once it starts it seems to spread like wildfire since we, as a nation, are often too lazy to verify the facts.

It clearly is in everyone's best interest to get these things straight so that they can make informed decisions and just because someone else tells you something, it doesn't mean its true.  It might be, or it might not be, but you should be particularly wary if it starts with a vague prhrase like "I heard" or "Someone told me".

Generally if it involves a Government policy or regulation, it is easily researched and most agencies have help lines.

Bad advice is always harmful, since it either convinces you to do something you shouldn't, or keeps you from doing something you should.

Bad information is not as bad although it may lead to opinions that are simply not based on facts.

You would think the internet and the widely available information would help, but it just seems to make it worse, either by people deliberately spreading bad information or doing it innocently.

Just check your facts.

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