Sunday, October 30, 2016

Thrill seeking

Moderation in all things is a saying that is often used but seldom followed.

Generally people end up chasing a thrill, only to return to reality or possibly a state worse than when they started.

Its one of the reason people do things like climb mountains, bungee jump, take drugs etc.

The gratification is relatively short lived but provides a "rush" that is memorable.

Of course these highs and lows are not the healthiest thing but we often make fun of those who live quiet but productive lives.

At least the thrill seekers do.

Of course this is the essence of gambling.

Most gambling is designed to let gamblers win a certain amount of the time.  These wins become addictive. The losses are generally ignored in search of the next win until there is nothing left to gamble with.

If you outsmart the gamblers by counting cards you are considered a cheat, because you might not actually lose.

Generally smart people cheat, they rig things, they steal from the owners.

Gambling houses depend on people not thinking too much and chasing the thrill.

Now they treat you nice and give you comps to keep you playing until they can milk you dry.

They simply want your money.

Now not everyone gets addicted and a very few people actually hit a big jackpot, but understanding the business model, the vast majority is going to lose and some are going to lose big.

If you put your future in the hands of a casino owner, there is really only one inevitable outcome.

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