Friday, October 28, 2016

Creatures of the Night

Dracula since he could not be up during daylight had a fondness for "creatures of the night" that most people find repellent or scary.

Understandable since we are a species that generally thrives in the daytime where we are adapted to see and survive better while night creatures present unique dangers to us.

Of course back in our evolutionary past we developed strategies to survive and those strategies always included a certain security for the night.

Now, as the world has evolved you would think this has changed.

Certainly the night is still generally scarier than the daytime but we have found ways to block out the dangers for the most part.

But then you have the internet.

Now there is no particular reason that late night on the internet should be very different than it is in the daytime, but it is.

All the creatures of the night emerge.

Your conspricy theory people, your alt-righters, your porn lovers, trolls and hackers.

Now if you spend significant time on during those hours you can find many alternate versions of reality.

It will skew your views on what is normal, and what is acceptable.

Insulting anyone who disagrees with you, standard practice.

Treating women disrespectfully, perfectly acceptable.

Everything is rigged and we can't get a fair shake, of course.

The country is controlled by (insert name of group), certainly is.

Everyone is corrupt and everyone covers it up, of course.

Its a world where you can easily lose your perspective and common sense as aliens are everywhere, immigrants and refugees are destroying the country and everyone, except "US" is getting a free ride on our backs.

People up at 3AM get exposed to all these things.

Some actually believe them.

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