Sunday, October 9, 2016

Does he have any honor?

We have never had a candidate for president with documented behavior like Donald Trump.  Now now all of them were angels, but this is all public record and there is clearly more to come out.

Some of the behavior may even be criminal.

Now in all honesty, I don't see him being honorable, why would he start now.

Clearly the honorable thing would be to drop out of the race and apologize.

I'd rather he stayed in because he is the gift that keeps on giving.

Instead he will sling accusations and mud at the Clinton's trying to convince his followers they are worse than he is.

They clearly aren't, but his avid supporters have drunk the kool-aid and will stand by him.

Whatever percent they are, they are enough to fill his rallies and further inflate his delusion that he has "great" support.

The polls must be lying, and everything is rigged.

In all honesty, getting him to be the nominee was all that was needed.

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