Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Banana Republic

Donald Trump thinks we live in a banana republic where elections are rigged, rich and influential people can get away with anything and you jail your political opponents before putting them in front of a firing squad.

Its also strongly machismo where women are primarily decorations to be discarded when they fail to look perfect, are toys with no say in how they are used and you talk about them in very derogatory manners.

Debates can be won by belittling your opponents or intimidating them if you are bigger and speaking in generalities without providing specific details.

Of course you have to surround yourself with sycophants who agree with everything you say and stand up for you against everyone else without question.

You can promise the populace anything, they are too stupid to know its a lie and once you get in office feather your nest and your supporters while increasing poverty for the working class.

Of course you know more about war than the generals and admirals who actually studied it and you might as well replace all of them with new ones who think like you do.

Try to bully foreign leaders into doing what you want and when that inevitably fails tell the populace you won anyway.

Attack the media as corrupt and rigged and after the election suppress it and promote media that you can control and which will spread your propaganda for you.

Fix the "rigged" election process to actually rig it so that in future elections you win without working so hard.

Arrest your opponents and purge your own party of anyone who won't toe the line.

Restore the constitution to what the founders wrote, eliminating pesky additions such as women voting, no slavery and term limits for the President.

Fix the inner cities by razing them and making the residents live in shantytowns.

And so on.

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