Saturday, October 15, 2016

Saturday thoughts

A lot of my contemporaries like to say they lived through environmental hazards as kids and came out OK.  Not so sure, lot of Trump supporters among you.

Guess the production capacity of the KGB e-mail fraud department is determined by how many Wiki-Leaks issues each day.

Most coal miners live in mountainous inland areas, so coastal flooding not much of a concern to them.

The problem is a lot of white people don't understand that the way they get treated every day is white privilege.  They just think its normal.

Trump talks about the recession in the early 90s after the Reagan-Bush years.  We had the financial crisis after the last Bush presidency.  After Nixon-Ford we had the gas crisis and terrible inflation.  Isn't three strikes enough already?

In order to reduce the National Debt we need to have a surplus.  Because of current demographics that isn't going to happen for a while.  However, the Republican plan of reducing taxes, preserving Social Security and increasing Defense Spending is going to make it much worse.

A few simple fixes to Social Security such as eliminating the income cap would go a long way to stabilizing the fund and protecting benefits.

The main complaint abut the current economic recovery is that its too slow.  Guess they miss the old boom and crash method.

Slow steady growth, low inflation, more jobs, reduced deficits, less uninsured Americans, less American troops in mortal danger every day.  It's a disaster!

Based on his history and comments there's no real doubt that Donald Trump molested or at least came on to many women.  Most of his current supporters don't have to worry based on his usual standards.

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