Saturday, October 22, 2016

Self Delusion

There is so much bad information in certain media sources that we have a lot of people who are being deluded.

In probably one of the most successful disinformation hacks ever, a large portion of the American public believes things about Hillary Clinton that just aren't true.

In fact, some of these lies are repeated by the republican presidential candidate at events (she was never thrown off the Watergate commission (she was on the impeachment committee which was disbanded after Nixon resigned) but these lies enter the culture.

In a land where free speech exists, people have the right to say almost anything.  This isn't new and lies have been spread across history.  What seems to be new, although I can't speak to past times, is that lies spread faster because of technology and Americans are more gullible.

Now, consider Benghazi.  However tragic the events there were, there would be no reason I can think of that a Secretary of State would deliberately put a ambassador in danger.  Now of course all such assignments have some danger associated with them, but the accusations that she refused to help him or provide needed security is simply ridiculous.  One could make an argument that someone was negligent, but thinking that the Secretary of State is responsible for all the details concerning security at all the embassies and consulates around the world is simply an absurd concept.  Possibly there was a bad risk assessment, but there actually isn't any evidence of that.

What is actually sad is that this tragedy has been exploited in a partisan way rather than in any kind of constructive "lessons learned" approach leading to some belief that something inappropriate was done.

Americans die serving their country.  Each death is a tragedy and we as a nation should honor those who serve, not make them pawns in a political witch hunt.

I could go on and on, but the lies go way back and I don't want to imply that anyone is perfect, no one ever has been, but in the absence of any criminal convictions or charges there is so much misinformation out there that you would think any rational person would realize it couldn't be true.

Howver, a large number of Americans believe these stories or feel that thee must be something because of all the smoke.  There isn't, its just a lot of smoke.

Now one wondrs why this has been so successful.  In all honesty, all the investigations have effectively cleared her of any serious wrongdoing but despite that the allegations continue only to have added to them the idea that she is a master conspriator who manages to cover up enough evidence to "get away" with things.

In fact this inability to prove the allegations is in fact another silly allegation.

Amercia is perfectly happy in many cases to conntinue deluding themselves.


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