Monday, October 3, 2016

State of Things

Almost everything you look at in the society and economy are doing pretty well.  We have some problems with service jobs replacing manufacturing, but we still do well with high tech.  We have improved crime statistics overall but still there is no acceptable level of crime.  Something needs to be done to make sure police are trained in non lethal techniques.

We have some issues with the deficit that need serious solutions that also preserve the needs of the citizens.  Need serious infrastructure improvements and some federal assistance to the States.

The list is long, but bottom line is things aren't perfect but they are getting better.  There is very little inflation and mortgage rates remain near all time lows.  Gas is way down from its high and our trade balance is helped by the oil and gas we are producing.

The Affordable care act has helped millions get health coverage but it has to deal with potential premium increases as the market adjusts.

Too many students finish college with a lot of debt and not enough job opportunities, especially if you were a liberal arts major.

Our technology has progressed so much in a very short amount of time that we have smart phones that can do more than our best desktop computers couldn't in the recent past.

We have however added a lot of diviseness to our culture.  It seems tht everyone is convinced that those who don't agree with them are anti-American.  Well we are all Americans even if we have different views.

One problem with statistics is that they aggregate while people experience things individually.  If you are struggling, hearing that the economy is doing well will only make you feel like someone is lying.  All politics are local, so if a bunch of executives are doing really well, its not helping thw clerk at Walmart make his car payment.

So much is going well but some people aren't and they are getting played by certain factions.

No real point today, just whatever this is.

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