Saturday, October 8, 2016

Crotch grabbing?

Trump was talking about grabbing women's crotches, but  he's move on to trying to grab America's.

I have to admit I've heard people talk like that sometimes, but none of those folks are running for anything.

You know with a month to go, this might not even be the worse thing to come out about Trump, he's the gift that keeps on giving.

This really opens up Democrats chances for the Senate and even the Congress as disgusted Republicans just stay home in shame.

On the other hand we have leaked emails about Hillary's paid speeches, gee, she expressed opinions about problems with the Political process and how to get things done.  Can you believe it!!!!!

Fox news tried to spin it into things that would upset progressives, like progressives watch Fox news.  Their viewers have already drunk the kool-aid.

One of the female broadcasters complained how Trump wouldn't do her show, probably a good thing considering his lack of control around women.

I feel a bit sorry for the people who believe all the negative things said about Hillary Clinton.  The delusion runs deep.

Like I said, I think we should realize that no matter how bad and outrageous the last piece of news was, he can still TRUMP it!

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