Sunday, October 16, 2016

Policies that are good for America

In all the mud flying around we are ignoring the most important aspect of any election, what is the path forward for the country.

Below are the goals that I believe we should pursue to keep America great.

Improve our health system to keep the best parts of the Affordable Care Act while fixing things that didn't work so well.

Adjust our tax system to make those who have benefitted the most pay a fairer share.

Reduce the burden of student debt that shackles our younger generation.

Promote American values throughout the world while minimizing American deaths.

Review trade agreements and promote a robust international economy that benefits both America and its trading partners..

Continue the move to cleaner energy while instituting programs to help workers impacted by the changes.

Provide economic incentives to encourage job growth.

Enact some additional background checks to keep guns from known terrorists while protecting the second amendment rights.

Work with banks and wall street to enact and improve regulations to prevent the abuses that led to the financial crisis while maintaining a system that allows investment in America's future.

Combat terrorism by working with allies, including our Islamic allies to defeat it at its source, understanding that each culture has its unique characteristics that deserve to be respected.

Continue our support for Israel.

Prepare our Military for the challenges of the future to maintain it as the defender of freedom.

Honor our treaties and commitments around the world.

Ensure the ability of Social Security to meet its obligations. 

Make Government more efficient so that essential services can be provided with reduced waste.

Recognize that immigrants have built this country and develop smart solutions that keep families together, improve border security and address the undocumented issue.

Continue the tradition of helping refugees make new lives. 

Accept that diversity is something that creates strength and growth in a culture, promote respect for all people, ensure the safety of all citizens and residents and support and help public servants who risk their lives in service to their communities.

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