Thursday, October 13, 2016

Selling your soul is never a good idea

Generally the idea that humans are so weak that they are willing to live out eternity in hell for something in the present is embedded in literature from the bible to modern TV dramas.

Part of the reason is our inability to delay gratification.

Now, as we all should know from religious training or just in general, the devil is pretty slick.

His temptations aren't easy to resist.

You have to be strong and steadfast to earn your ultimate reward.

In politic the temptations are to pander to certain voters to win a current election.

You hope they buy your promises and vote for you and ideally leave you alone.

It doesn't work.

When you promise that you will make unrealistic changes and don't deliver, they get angry.

The more you promise, the angrier they get.

They get so angry they come out and vote in your primaries.

They vote for the most obnoxious, boastful, lying person running, since they believe he'll actually do what he says, whatever that may be.

You wanted to stop Obama.

You got Trumped.

Enjoy your reward!

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