Thursday, October 20, 2016

Election Integrity

The United States hass been notable for the fact that we respect our constitution and election results.  This is not always true in much of the world.  To claim the election is being rigged is a serious challenge to our democracy and is not very likely.

Now, are there unscrupulous people, of course there are, and in history there very well may have been some instances of elections being manipulated.

When Kennedy won, there were accusations about shenanigans in Chicago.

When Bush beat Gore, the process in Florida was questionable.

However, elections are run locally.  Both parties as well as state inspectors get to monitor polling locations.

All studies indicate very few instances of voter fraud.

In fact, its easier to not count votes than it is to create votes.

Disenfranchising voters is easier than creating illegal voters.

I want to point out that you might be able to register a dead person, but its hard to actually cast a ballot.

I'm not familiar with the procedures at every polling location but I don't think any of them allow hoardes of people to come off the street and vote.

You have to be registered and sign in.

Recently there have been a number of instances of fraudulent registrations and registrations being altered.  They were discovered but of course some might not be.

In all honesty, the idea that these have something to do with swinging elections is unlikely.  I think its more likely that they are designed to show flaws in the system to promote voter ID laws.

Just speculation by me, but it fits that agenda which needs to create incidents to support theire argument.

All studies have shown very few fraudulent votes.

Making this claim is is outrageous and has no basis in reality.

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