Thursday, February 23, 2017

America a Third World Country

Outside of our military, America is by no means near the rest of the developed world in things like health care, education, old age benefits  or in fact almost anything.

We have gun violence that rivals even the most crime ridden countries.

We have a mostly apathetic population that is generally ill informed on current events and is so parochial that they hardly speak their own language well.

We do have some educated, wealthy elites who buy elections and keep much of the population in the dark.

We have large police forces that gun down unarmed civilians in the streets with near impunity.

We see a congress that does almost nothing except argue among themselves and rely on the President to take some sort of action.

We want to expel hard working residents who have done nothing wrong except coming here for a better life.

We treat women like second class citizens dictating to them what decisions they can make about their own bodies and futures.

We have many citizens who want to establish religious laws and customs that all must follow.

We promote military values and have troops stationed around the world promoting our business interests.

We are defunding our arts and cultural establishments and relying on mass entertainment to placate the masses.

We have large number of homeless people that we let roam the streets in certain neighborhoods.

We have given drugs to mentally ill people and sent them on their way.

Our prisons are overflowing and we bid them out to be run at a profit.

We have manipulated our districts so that votes are unequal and one party rule is getting institutional.

We are reducing our investments in future technologies and giving that money to our richest people via tax breaks.

We were fortunate that two great wars were fought on other people's territories, and provided a growth spurt, but we are now on our own and not doing very well. 

We want to go back to a system where we let people die or go broke because of unaffordable health care bills.

We are infested with alcoholics and drug addicts who can't function is the real world.

We ignore science and promote creationism, ignore climate change and think vaccinations are optional.

People like to talk about how America is exceptional.  The question is in what direction? 

We have the biggest military in the world so like the schoolyard bully people act nice to us.  Don't let that fool you.

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