Sunday, February 5, 2017

Disregard for the Truth

Sometimes politicians are accused of being too cautious, careful about what they say and often not getting to the point.

They do this because what they said had consequences and could be used against them.

They also realized that they had some responsibility to not mislead people and get them to act based on incorrect information.

Of course that was the old way of doing things.

Now we have entered the age of the alternate facts, better know as lies.

This isn't the first time, the NAZIs and Communists engaged in Propaganda (also know as alternate facts and lies) to sway public opinion.  It actually goes further back than that, but that was sort of the golden age of the practice from my point of view.

After the war we seemed to become a bit more restrained and the fact that we had an independent press in most countries that hesitated to print blatant falsehoods (with some exceptions) kept politicians fairly honest.

Oh we accused them of lying, but the lies were at least circumspect.

Some places like North Korea and other dictatorships maintained the old lying culture but we, despite certain conspiracy theorists, were a little more truthful.

Of course we now have a donnybrook of lies since the advent of social media, the proliferation of alternate fact (news) sites and outside intervention.

The lying has gotten so prevalent the truth seems like just another lie.

Now people who accept anything they read or see on the Internet need to take some responsibility for being deceived, but we also see a president who lies consistently about almost everything.

Of course its not him, its everyone else who is lying.  His administration isn't any better and the taint of what they are doing isn't going away anytime soon.

See, the truth will eventually prevail.  Lies have a problem in that the real world contradicts them.

Its just a matter of time.

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