Friday, February 10, 2017

Get a Job

If you are sitting back complaining about how you can't get a job, it is probably your own fault.  Now I didn't say you could become the executive of a large company, you probably don't have the skills they require, but the best and surest way to get a good job is to start in any job.

Now, some jobs are distasteful and don't pay well, but that might be why you can get it.

You may have had a job, and you may be just starting out, but if you are not working you need to get out there and find a job.

Now, some may think that working isn't the best course of action because they can do just about as well with Government benefits, and if your goal is to be a leech on society and develop bad habits, I guess that is an option.

However while we all work to make money, the benefits of having a job exceeds the money you get paid.

A lot of people pay attention to credit history, but a job history is probably more important.

Of course you can have bad work histories if you keep losing jobs or getting into trouble, but if you want to be successful you need to also perform any job you get.

Leaving for a better job is certainly understandable but you also don't want to just change jobs constantly.

When you are working, you are also learning.  Even if the job is a terrible one, you will learn how to deal with it if you put the effort in.

If you talk to successful people about their first jobs, a lot of them were pretty menial.  Working at a fast food restaurant or as a store clerk is not glamorous and doesn't pay very well, but you can gain skills that will serve you well in the future.

If you aren't willing to put in the time and effort, then it really doesn't matter, you can scrape by in some fashion day to day, but when you see that 10, 20, 30 years from now you are still barely surviving while others have moved on, that will be the reason.

Opportunity is knocking a lot more than people think, they just let someone else answer the door.

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