Monday, February 27, 2017

Hate Mongers

Every nationality and religion has its own customs and practices.  Each of those come from something in their history or culture.

They may seem strange or odd to people not raised in that group, similar to how certain American customs seem odd to foreigners.

Pointing our these differences and using them to create unease and/or hate is a common tactic during times of conflict.

If you look at the countries of Western Europe, who share so much, the Germans were demonized by the British and French during the wars and vice versa.

Now of course there were some horrible things done during World War 2 but that was a result of the Germans demonizing a group within its own borders.

Now here n America we aren't very different. We sometimes think we are, but history proves us wrong.

We have a long history of demonizing new groups and even our black people over the years.

It continues to this day.

I see things that are simply hate propaganda spread by people who should know better.

Muslims are not all jihadists and if they want to practice sharia law, that is no different than what other religions do.

Undocumented immigrants aren't getting a free ride, in fact they generally work harder than many of those spreading these lies.

The thing to remember is that the lies you spread about others, may result in the lies about you tomorrow.

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