Tuesday, February 7, 2017

How bad is the Terrorism?

There is a bit of an ongoing argument that terrorism is at incredibly high levels and the media and the public is not aware of how bad it is.

Now clearly terrorism is a dangerous thing, people kill themselves and others in a sign of protest, and it occasionally rises to truly deadly levels, such as 9/11.  However, the odds of dying from a terrorist attack are pretty low, way below many other activities that we do routinely, such as driving.

So is the current emphasis or attempts to limit immigration so vital to our safety?

It certainly doesn't seem like it considering that the people allowed into this country have almost no history of committing acts of terror here.

Of course there are some exceptions, but most terror here is home grown.

That is radicalized people either born here or raised here who for whatever reason decide that we are not a just society.

It isn't even necessarily politically motivated.

To jump to the conclusion that terrorism is primarily a problem with certain Muslims is not supported by the facts.

Most mass violence here is done by non-Muslims.  Now of course I am including any act of public violence in my definition of terrorism while excluding individual homicides. 

Ignoring some of the terrorism, which might simply be the result of a deranged mind or teenage angst is to ignore much of the danger.

Sort of like saying dark skinned drunk drivers are a danger while ignoring all other drunk drivers.

If we want to prevent terrorism we probably need to reduce the easy path, i.e. guns, but that is not "politically correct" in this administration.

Still the number of people who are killed or injured by terrorism in this country is hardly a significant statistic, although even one is too many.  Of course that is true for all human life that is lost.

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