Friday, February 3, 2017

Religious Discrimination

For much of history and continuing today the state and Church have been closely connected. 

Most ancient kingdoms and empires treated their ruler as a God or high priest who supported and received support from the religion of the state.

It was rarer for the two to be separated as they are in this country, although even here there were abundant references to God in our founding documents.

As a country that was formed out of colonies, some of which were the homes of religious dissidents, it was agreed that there would be no establishment of a State religion or prohibitions on religion.

Of course the founders were predominantly Christians but they did prescribe Christianity any special place.

There are many people in this country who want to ignore that and restore our Christian values, if in fact they are gone.

The problem with that, besides insisting everyone follow Christian values, is that there isn't agreement on what they are.

Some things considered sinful by one sect is considered fine by another. 

Of course when you consider other religions the whole thing really falls apart.

Now to allow a person dealing with the public to discriminate because a patron doesn't share their sense of morality is a slippery slope indeed.

First what business is that of theirs?

The idea that one person finds another person's legal actions so distasteful that they won't sell to them or provide a commercial service to them is actually not very Christian at all.

I think that if the Government allows such behavior, real Christians and everyone else should stop patronizing such a hateful place.

Love thy neighbor is a very Christian value.

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