Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Random Stuff

The president read a carefully prepared statement condemning racism and anti-Semitism, had to be scripted for him so he would get it right.

Some people want to boycott the Oscars because of all the liberals, but they weren't invited in the first place.

Guess they won't watch it on TV (but you know they will).

Gonna have round two of the travel restrictions soon, can they figure out language to discriminate against a religion that doesn't sound like it does?

I saw a segment on John Oliver's show where he demonstrated how Trump says something ridiculous, which the media reports which his followers believe which he then says is something people are saying.  Chicken and egg issue here.

We have at least provided the world with some entertainment, although I'm sure we are also scaring the hell out of them.

Its been a pretty mild winter and spring is getting close.  Almost time to start the immigrant round ups.

Obama expelled more illegal immigrants than anyone, but he doesn't get much credit from the trump people for that.

Of course they only believe the edited stuff they get on faux fox. 

Now take the fake news about the Affordable Care Act.  It provided affordable health care to about 30 million people but did have a few negative consequences for people who weren't eligible for subsidies and not covered at work.  Something that could have been fixed if better health care was the plan.

The problem the republicans have is how to actually do something, since they only learned how to stop things.

I don't expect much and maybe the only real hope is that they come to a stalemate. 

In fact the less the current government manages to do the better off we all will be.

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