Monday, February 20, 2017

Presidents Day or George Washington's Birthday

Well it's the day that everyone used to call George Washington's birthday but which most now call President's day, although I heard the other day its still officially the first.

Either way we mostly have sales and I think mostly white sales which is generally appropriate considering the politics of most of them.

When we got our independence there were some who wanted to establish a monarchy here, but we didn't and we have our checks and balances government.

Now let's be clear, it isn't the best form of Government from most aspects, its not truly democratic, it tends to promote moneyed interests, more so now than ever and is generally unable with a few exceptions able to make significant changes or improvements.

In response to some crisis like the great depression, it did implement some significant social reforms and while there are those who want to dismantle them, they have become extremely popular.

Now in general this country mostly wants the Government to get our of the way, although we have an awful lot of layers and most people don't know which layer does what.  Even where the federal government pays the bills, more often than not the states and cities get to say how its spent within certain guidelines.

Its a pretty boring subject and I'm not even sure its taught in school anymore, but its hard for most Americans to figure it out.  Not that they try. 

We have some of the most apathetic citizens in the world, who only get agitated when something they actually care about is impacted, not realizing that failure to vote in local and state elections is where they really lose out.

There are better systems where you have a better idea of who stands for what, but each race in this country tends to be decided by apathy or personality.  Incumbents have name recognition so they tend to win since finding out about the issues is too hard.

We have a terrible government in general, but in fairness its exactly what we deserve.

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