Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Intolerance of Americans

One of the things that seems clearer and clearer over the years is that most people in this country really don't believe in American values as expressed in the Constitution.

They don't believe in freedom of religion unless its freedom to be a Christian.

They don't believe in freedom of the press, they prefer lies.

Concerning due process, they don't care if the police gun down "certain people" in the streets.

Many of them aren't all that found of equal protection provisions.

They don't really want the checks and balances provided for, prefer a strongman who does what he wants.

The list goes on unfortunately.

Luckily, the constitution was written for exactly this situation, to protect the individual from the mob.

Of course, the courts are therefore driving these people crazy, protecting people who they don't think deserve protection.

It makes them so mad they drop their Christian values too, which require us to love one another.

Hate the sin but not the sinner is forgotten by them as they have a whole lot of hate to go around.

Except they have a lot of love for the people who actually oppress them, the business people and owners who shut down the factories and the coal mines to maximize profits.

Somehow they think it was the Government, and the Government is generally controlled by those people, so they let it happen. 

But it was done to make more money, not to promote some Government policy. 

Free trade is loved by big business which pretty much guarantees it isn't going away. 

What will happen is that business will have to pay less taxes so benefits will go away.

The deficit will increase.

Those Americans will have to learn a skill or get used to scrubbing rich people's toilets.

No one is going to care except when they need you to vote, and since you buy into all the lying, that's not a big problem either.

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