Friday, February 24, 2017


During the campaign when the democratic nominee commented that half of Trumps supporters were like a basket of deplorables, which she identified as racist, xenophobic, homophobic bigots, many of his supporters adopted the title.

Of course they didn't actually think they were deplorable, but of course they really are.

They are in bed with the people who want to discriminate and hate others.

The issue is that if you support ideas of hate, but claim they don't represent who you are, who cares?

They will know them by their actions.

Oddly these are also the people who are likely to be the most harmed by the administrations actions.

Increase the cost of imported goods will make everything more expensive.

Lost exports will devastate our farmers who rely on exports.

Remove environmental pollution standards will increase the incidence of cancer and other diseases while removing their health care.

Coal has been replaced by natural gas in most electric generating plants and that is not going to be reversed, but they will get more drinking water contamination via fracking.

Automation has eliminated many jobs, but failure to invest in and explore this new technology means the new jobs will be done overseas.

Failing to understand the consequences of climate change and trying to slow or stop them will hurt all of us, including our deplorables.

Mortgages will get more expensive as interest rates rise pricing them out of home ownership.

The attacks on social security and medicare will threaten their retirement years, most won't ever be able to retire.

I guess the time they want to return to is represented by the dust bowl and great depression. 

There will be jobs for pickers out there in California.

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