Wednesday, February 1, 2017

A More Dangerous World

In all honesty the possibility that the United States and Russia would square off in a war is fairly remote.  I think enough people on both sides realize who destructive such a war would be likely ending in nuclear disaster.

What we saw in the Bush years, aggressive misguided notions of what we can get other people to do leading to deadly regional conflicts that get Americans killed, encourage terrorism, and make the world a more dangerous place.

It seems like the middle east is still the most dangerous area as a naive belief that Jihadists can be defeated by strong arm tactics seems prevalent at the White House again.

This was the mistake that the Bush administration made when it believed that we could impose Western thoughts on Muslim Countries.

It led to bloody wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and recruited thousands of recruits to terrorists organizations.

Now this wasn't solved under the Obama administration, but it didn't get worse.  We saw dictatorships fall in many countries and while ISIS was able to surge it is now being defeated on the ground by Arab troops, not Americans.

We do provide support, mostly air attacks and some on the ground support, but the "skin" in the game is a lot less.

Now, the idea that sending in American troops to quickly put an end to ISIS is misguided since the root issues will still exist and an American presence will surely spur resentment anger and recruitment for terrorists organizations.

The idea that we can effectively colonize a country and take their oil, while militarily possible would lead to nothing but greater danger here as anger would boil over.

The more we provide the terrorists with recruitment materials the more dangerous the world becomes. 

It is also important to note that Americans have no special rights when it comes to being a citizen of the world.  We also face the danger of being arrogant and stupid in a world where every person is equal.

There is a long history of colonial powers trying to dominate the world, it ultimately fails on every level. 

Lets not repeat it.

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