Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Cowardly Liar

We have a President who is so afraid of vetted Muslim immigrants who are fleeing tyranny that he can see no recourse but to ban all of them.  Never mind that incidents of terror by any of the immigrants who came here are very rare and the one that he cited was over 15 years ago and as horrific as it was predated current security measures.

So in addition to being a coward he has to lie and of course lying is second nature to him.  Reading his executive order he doesn't cite any specific examples except the old one and refers to fictional terror attacks.

Now, it is certainly possible that an immigrant or refugee could end up committing a crime or an act of terror, but statistics and common sense show that they do not increase the likelihood of such acts by coming here.

It is our own citizens who are more likely to commit these acts.  In fact the real danger is the radicalization of young impressionable minds that feel there heritage is being denigrated, which this feeds into.

So being so cowardly and creating hostility is much more likely to result in terrorism than being welcoming but careful.

The lying was bad enough and it is obviously not going to stop.

The cowardice goes back to his draft dodging days, and like many such cowards he talks like a bully but has no history of anything but being a coward protected by bodyguards.

He now exhibits both traits to the entire world.

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