Friday, January 27, 2017

Who Gets Burned?

One of the problems with making promises without thinking them out is that when you have to keep them there is a real world to deal with.

Build a wall to keep out illegal immigrants had a nice ring to it.  Making Mexico pay for it also sounds good.  However what about when Mexico won't pay for it?

Well let's float a bunch of ideas and see if any actually work.

Of course, there is the problem that such a wall has to trample on certain property rights and wouldn't even work according to pretty much everybody who knows anything. 

The only way it would work would be to have enough border patrol people around to monitor the entire border 24 - 7 and if you have them, why a wall?

Trump is taking an approach that has never worked since of course the people he's trying to keep out actually are pretty intelligent being people.

It not like they're going to see a wall and say "Well never mind, let's just go home."

They will go under, over or around it.

People are pretty smart and these types of things have a history of failure.

Now if of course you are trying to keep out the White Walkers on Game of Thrones, it might have a shot since that's an army, but I think when he watches the next season he might find out the wall didn't really work.

I don't know if that was his inspiration for the wall, I suspect he is so influenced by media that it might be but building an paying for that wall is silly and costly.

Mexico isn't going to pay so he thinks I'll tax their imports, but of course we pay the increased cost of that.

Of course he will think of something great, he always says he will, of course there isn't much evidence of that considering his multiple bankruptcies and other business ventures.

Of course he's so successful he can't share his tax returns which for someone as boastful as him seems really odd.

The answer of course to my question is we all get burned since f we build it we will have an ugly monument to human idiocy that we will have paid for.


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