Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Voter Fraud, a Distraction

There is no significant voter fraud.

By that I mean people who actually show up and vote using false credentials.

What does exist and what our not so bright president refers to is erroneous registrations.

When you register to vote, it stays until someone changes it.

So take people on the registration roles who die.

They didn't register when they were dead, but they stay registered. 

However they don't vote, they are dead.

Take people who move to a new state and register to vote.

They may very well stay registered in their old state but most likely don't travel back and forth to vote in both places, just don't deregister.

People like to point to incorrect registrations as an example of voter fraud.

It isn't, its incorrect registrations.

Voter fraud requires people to actually try to vote.

Every study shows that it really isn't a significant problem if it is even a problem at all.

However is a continuing disinformation/propaganda campaign, its become a news item that will convince a certain number of people that it is a real problem.

It just isn't.

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