Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Spoiler Alert!!!

If you don't want to know the truth about things, read no further.

OK, like children expecting Santa Claus to bring them lots of toys, Trump supporters expect all sorts of great things to happen after January 20th.

The list varies based on the supporter with some alt-right people expecting a return to the Jim Crow era and some Religious Fundamentalists expecting abortions to end and religion taught in school (just theirs of course) and some working people expect good paying manufacturing jobs to appear, and xenophobes expect all Mexicans and Muslims to disappear.

There are other lists for Santa/Trump and they were promised as they sat on his virtual lap at his rallies, and Santa/Trump dutifully nodded his head and said you'll get your wish fulfilled.

Of course he already disappointed the lock her up group but the rest are still faithful believers who will hang their stockings up on January 19th with visions of racism dancing in their heads and that old time religion music playing on the radio only in English.

Well, I hate to do this, but Santa isn't real and neither are Trump's promises. 

I suspect that the America we will see on January 20 will b basically the same as the one on January 19th, if a little meaner and less compassionate and inclusive.

You still will have to push one for English, you still will have Spanish Language television and we'll still have separation of church and state.

It won't be Trump's fault, it will be the establishment Republicans and Democrats in the congress stopping him.

I'm sure that everything will still be coming, just not as fast as promised.

As a New Yorker from Queens he is very familiar with the Mets rallying cry of You Gotta Believe!

Just trust him, it will all be great!

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