Saturday, January 14, 2017

More Saturday Ramblin

Republicans think it is unethical for the ethics official to comment on Trumps ethics issues.

They think its fine for the FBI director to comment on Hillary though.

Luckily they aren't playing politics, they are way past that.

It amazes me how people can so rationalize what they see on both sides.

Almost everyone wears ideological filters.

So everyone who doesn't agree with you is lying or a fool.

Responding to a black lives matter chant with blue lives matter is of course sort of besides the point.

The idea that asking for equality is "uppity" is so retro its apparently in fashion again.

There's really no real difference between people in inner cities looking for the government to help improve their lives than ex factory workers looking for the same thing.

People who want black people to stop bringing up slavery since it ended over a hundred years ago have no problem discussing their ancestral roots even if their family has been in this country longer than that.

So I watched Paul Ryan talk about how the Affordable Care Act made everybody share the cost of the high risk people and drive up premiums.  Than I heard him say we should subsidize high risk pools with tax dollars to keep the cost affordable.  When I do the math that comes up the same, except we know less people will sign up for the high risk pools and the tax dollars probably won't show up either.

The very idea of insurance is to share risk so we all can be protected against catastrophes.  Why should health insurance be different?

We now know that heterosexual debauchery and racism are more acceptable to many Americans than gay marriage and gender identification bathrooms.  They think the bible supports this.

There are certain people out there who milked the alt right because it was lucrative.  However, those cows are coming home now.

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