Friday, January 6, 2017

Professional Courtesy

Courtesy is something that makes the world a little bit better for everyone.  Its taking into consideration the needs of someone else and doing things like holding the door for the next person, giving up a seat, or simply letting someone go first.

In business and politics it generally refers to allowing people to take their personnel situation into consideration.  Of course it isn't something that is done when an outcome might be impacted, but it is certainly simple enough to allow an extra day because of a situation or work out a mutually agreeable transition date.

Now we ask ambassadors to serve in remote locations and at time put their lives at risk. They are political appointees and clearly they change with the new administration.  However, new ambassadors have to be confirmed and old ambassadors often have children or family situations that make moving on January 20th problematic, so in past administrations they were provided the courtesy of being allowed to finish a school semester or clear up a family issue before having to transition. 

The delay is relatively inconsequential and of course the ambassador left in his post for a few months has to follow any new direction by the administration while his successor is confirmed.

I read today that the new administration is demanding that all political ambassadors leave on January 20 no matter how disruptive it might be, when there are no confirmed replacements ready.  I don't understand the reason for such a decision and find it both mean spirited and short sighted.

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