Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Slipping into Insanity

Starting on Friday we will see some real insanity take hold.

Interestingly it is going to be pretty much a free for all as I see it.

Trump is a real republican conservative, he went that way so he could run, but he's really a populist and a con man.

He also is living in what amounts to a fantasy world in many respects where he thinks everyone will just do what he wants.

He attacked Obama Care not really knowing much about it and how the republicans hated the very idea of it, but now says a replacement plan will provide health care for all.

His view on most social issues are movable, he is from a world of entertainment where all lifestyles were accepted.

He doesn't really understand immigration or terrorism and thinks that simple solutions will fix the problems, because everyone else was so stupid they didn't try them.

He wants to spend money on infrastructure but has to deal with the deficit hawks in congress.

He naively thinks foreign governments will simply bow to his wishes, since in his world view America is completely dominant.

He thinks high tariffs on imports will magically cause businesses to spend millions of dollars build factories.

He thinks congress will do what he wants.

He thinks everything he does will be great and make everyone happy.

He is only being attacked by his enemies which of course is anyone who attacks him.

How it will all shake out is hard to determine, it will be chaotic and insane.

Lets hope its not too damaging.

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